Max L. Feldman

Max L. Feldman

After completing a BA in Philosophy, Religion & Ethics – with First Class Honours – at Heythrop College (University of London), studied for MAs in Cultural and Criticall Studies at Birkbeck College (University of London), and Continental Philosophy at The University of Warwick. He went on to study for a PhD in Philosophy at The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna while lecturing in Philosophy and Political Theory at Heythrop College and The University of Roehampton, London. His writing, mainly about contemporary art, philosophy, and politics, has appeared in Aesthetica, Afterimage, ArtAgenda, ArtForum, The Calvert Journal, FlashArt, Frieze, Krisis, MOMUS, Mousse, Public Seminar, Spike Art Quarterly, Springerin, and TinyMixTapes.